Thursday, 11 February 2016

Lush Lover Lamp Bath Bomb - A Perfect Gift for Valentines Day!

Hey Everyone!
Hope you all are well :)

It has been a few months now since I last reviewed a bath bomb from Lush and its probably been near enough that time since I've had a bath too. Extremely unlike me as I love long soaks in the bath but quite frankly I just haven't had the time lately! Recently I was up in Dublin for the launch of YSL's new Touche Eclat Le Teint foundation and after the event was over myself and another blogger Riona decided to go and do a spot of shopping. Unfortunately I don't have a Lush store near me and being that I was in town I knew I had to stop and check out what they had to offer. As Valentines Day is fast approaching I was hoping they would have some new bits and pieces in stock that I had yet to try, and I was right!

After some pondering I finally decided on the Lover Lamp Bath Bomb. The description of this product according to Lush is as follows:

"Off with the hearts! Pop this amorous Brazilian orange oil and vanilla bomb in the bath and the fair trade orange cocoa butter hearts will melt, softening the water. Self preserving and suitable for Vegans".

What led me to pick out this bath bomb in particular was the fact that it contained cocoa butter. I'm a huge fan of products containing cocoa butter as I find it soothes my eczema, butterball from Lush is a firm favourite of mine. Aside from that though, from reading the rest of the ingredients I thought the bath bomb sounded like a dream so I said I'd give it a go! 

When I popped this into the bath the first thing I noticed was that the bath bomb fizzed around the bath, dissolving very quickly. As it was making its way around the bath I noticed it was spitting out lots of tiny little hearts and was beginning to turn the bath water a cloudy white colour. Initially I couldn't put my finger on the scent, I could just get quite a powdery smell. However when I actually got into the bath after the bomb had fizzled out that was when I could smell the orange and boy was it fantastic! The addition of cocoa butter made the bath water nice and silky and every so often when I moved I'd get that gorgeous hint of orange, a smell very similar to Terrys Chocolate Orange actually. When I got out of the bath I had a residue on my skin similar to as if I had already applied moisturiser, cocoa butter working its magic again!

All in all I'm a huge fan of the lover lamp bath bath it gets a big thumbs up from me. It's definitely one to pick up this Valentines Day whether it be as a gift for a partner or as a treat for yourself! The Lover Lamp bath bomb retails at €5.45 and is available from Lush stores nationwide.

Until next time :)
Eimear x

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