Saturday, 26 January 2013

Lush Secret Santa Review

Hey Everyone!
Hope you all are well :)

No no you are not seeing things, this is a Christmas post!
With todays post you could think I am starting really early, or I am a little late..
If you read my Lush haul you will know I picked this gorgeous little package up just before Christmas and I am just getting round to reviewing it now!

I must admit I bought this based on the packaging alone, what was inside I didn't really mind too much I just thought it was packaged so beautifully!
'Secret Santa' from Lush includes one bath bomb and a soap which retails at €8.95. Its an absolute bargain at that price and is an ideal Christmas gift!

I have only ever tried a couple of bath bombs from Lush so I am open to trying anything, they are yet to disappoint!
Included in this set is the 'Cinders Bath Ballistic' and the 
'Honey I Washed the Kids Soap'. Along with producing quirky packaging Lush have come up some with great names for their products.

I must admit as much as I was looking forward to trying out my goodies inside, I was dreading tearing the little santy had to be done. 
Least I have nice photographs of it :)
Another thing I love about Lush is the fact the attach these stickers to their products. These stickers show you who actually made your Lush item for you!
I think its just a really nice touch and makes the Lush experience a little more personal. As you can see my gift was hand packaged by Lekky's team, and boy did they do a great job. Super impressed!

Inside the cardboard box as you can see my goodies were well packaged,
I'm pleased to say there were no breakages. I didn't even have to open the box and already the smell of these delicious goodies was lingering in the air!

Included inside was an information leaflet as to what is actually inside your gift.
The little brochure includes an array of products that Lush has to offer along with all of the ingredients listed in these products.
This will be helpful to anyone who is new to Lush or anyone who enjoyed the gift they received and were interested in trying more from the range.

Already I have made a little list of things to pick up the next time I'm in town!
This will have devastating effects on my bank balance..

The cinders bath bomb is a warm fruity and spicy bath bomb that is ideal for Christmas as it gives off a mulled wine scent.
I gather the idea behind the Cinders bath bomb is to mimic that warm cozy feeling next to the fire, with the addition of the red crackling particles.
I'm not sure about the mulled wine, or the crackling for that matter as I did not hear any but I did pick up traces of vanilla and cinnamon which was absolutely gorgeous.

Unlike the other bath bomb 'Butterball' that I have tried from Lush, this one didn't fizz around the bath it merely sunk to the bottom and dissolved there.

It was actually kind of amusing to watch this one dissolve, it reminded me of honey comb and coral at times!
After it had completely dissolved I swooshed my hand around the bath to disperse the bath bomb throughout the entire bath. The water then had a yellow/orange tint to it.
I was a little disappointed as the scent of this bath bomb didn't last too long.

 Recently I cut my 'Honey I washed the Kids' soap in half, one half is lying proudly at the side of my basin the other in the shower. 
I love how the sweet smell of honey comb lingers on the skin which is why I've been using it as a body wash too.
With regard to the performance of the soap, it definitely didn't dry out my skin however it wasn't too moisturising either. Its quite average.

This was my first Lush gift set and I most certainly will return to purchase more, whether it be a treat for myself or a gift. They are simply too gorgeous to pass by!

Have you tried any sets or products from Lush?
Let me know! 
Talk soon:)
Eimear x

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