Friday, 23 October 2015

Lush Sparkly Pumpkin Bubble Bar Review

Hey Everyone!
Hope you all are well :)

Another bubble bar review you say? I simply cannot help myself. In all honestly though, can you blame me when the goodies are Halloween themed?
Nothing says Happy Halloween like a Sparkly Pumpkin Bubble Bar................ am I right, AM I RIGHT? Most definitely >:)

The day I purchased this bubble bar pretty much consisted of a series of unfortunate events from the moment I woke up. I was racing to get my bus after an event in the lashing rain when I decided it was probably for the best if I stopped into Stephens Green to pick up an umbrella. I literally got from the top of Grafton Street to the bottom when the umbrella snapped and blew inside out. I knew I was now going to get saturated and then I would have to sit on a bus for the next hour and a half in my sopping wet clothing.
Feeling sorry for myself I dashed into Lush and picked up the first thing that caught my eye, the Sparkly Pumpkin Bubble Bar. I was tight on time so I didn't get to browse but knowing that a bath was awaiting me when I got home made the bus journey all the better!

I repurchased this bubble bar a couple of times last year I loved it that much. Its no wonder it was the first thing that caught my eye, it is extremely glittery.
Even though you can see that the bubble bar glistens in the light, the photos don't do it justice at all. I literally cannot begin to describe how shimmery it is!

That shimmer transfers like no other haha I was covered from head to toe in glitter after taking the products shots!

The Lush Bubble Bars can be a little pricey so if you really want to get value for your money I would suggest dividing the bar into halves or even quarters depending on the size of the bar. I usually just chop the bubble bar in half and I'm good to go!

When you crumble this bubble bar under the tap it turns the water a light orange almost yellow colour, the more of the bubble bar you use the more intense the colour will be. The bubble bar contains juniperberry, grapefruit and lime oils and it definitely has a citrusy scent to it. I was a bit surprised by the scent to be honest I thought it might have been a more musky, spicy scented bubble bar but I enjoy the fragrance all the same.

The Sparkly Pumpkin Bubble Bar will set you back €4.95 and gets a massive thumbs up from me. The only thing I will say is that you will need to rinse out your bath afterwards. The glitter from the pumpkin sits at the bottom of the bath so if you don't rinse this down the drain straight away, it hardens and you're going to find yourself scrubbing for dear life to get it off ha!

Have you tried the Sparkly Pumpkin Bubble Bar or any of the other Lush Halloween products? 
Let me know :)
Until next time,
Eimear x

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