Saturday, 12 January 2013

Cocoa Brown Tan Review

Hey Everyone!
Hope you all are well :)

 Today I have a fake tan review for you all.
I should probably start out by saying I really am clueless when it comes to tan.
I am not really into fake tan like most girls I know, the only time I wear fake tan is when I am going on a night out. This is purely to avoid looking like a member of the Cullen family, I am as white as a ghost!
I like to see the tan as I am applying it which is why I always opt for instant. 
That along with the fact that I like the option of being able to wash it off the next morning and returning to my Casper like self!
I am in awe of girls who are able to apply fake tan that they cannot see going on, if that were me I'd be a streaky mess so fair play girls!
The first instant tan I ever used was Rimmel Sun Shimmer and 5 years later I still use it when in need of a golden glow, until now.

Cocoa Brown tan, like the instant tan I wear, I can see it as I am applying. 
However the difference with Cocoa Brown is that it lasts up to 5 days.

Recently I went to an Irish Blogger/Vlogger meetup, we tend to do these a couple of times a year and it was great meeting up with the girls again!
During the meetup we had a couple of guest speakers in, one being Marissa Carter creator of Cocoa Brown Tan and owner of Carter Beauty Blackrock.
Marissa to say the least was inspiring.
She is a lady who oozes passion, confidence and ambition. 
Marissa spoke to us about her revolutionary tan that is taking the market by storm. To say I was hanging on her every word was an understatement!
Marissa talked us through each of the ingredients in detail that makes this tan so unique. 
Most of all I was delighted to hear that the tan would suit sensitive skin.
Due to the fact that I suffer from outbreaks of eczema I am weary about using certain products for fear of an out break.
This tan includes accelerating ingredients allowing it to develop after just 1 hour. You will be left with a light tan after 1 hour.
 If you prefer a medium tan you can leave it on for 2 hours before washing it off. Finally if you want a deeper tan you leave it on for 3 hours
the tan will not develop any further after the 3 hours.
It really is that straight forward, its fool proof!
The tan also contains Tahitian Gardenia which gives it that floral scent opposed to that biscuit/curry smell that most tans usually give off.
The tan is a mousse formula which dries almost instantly into the more standing around naked waiting for tan to dry woohoo!
A little goes a long way with this tan, so far I have tanned my full body twice.
This is because the mousse expands largely once pumped onto the mitt.

The tan retails at €7.99 for 150ml and comes in this beautiful pink bottle.
Marissa wanted to not only create a revolutionary tan, she wanted to create a tan that would sit proudly on her customers vanity or dresser among their other beauty products.
Paying close attention to detail when it came to packaging I think she did herself proud with this gorgeous pink bottle!

Now for the results!
What I have done is I have taken before and after pictures with and without flash as I was trying to get the pictures as true to life as possible.
I also decided to leave this tan on for the full 3 hours :)


with flash

without flash


with flash

without flash

The pictures really do not do the tan justice, it was such a gorgeous golden brown...cocoa brown I should say!
As you can see there is a huge difference in the before and after pictures.
I am nicely tanned but not tango'd, success! :)

The tan lasted extremely well and faded off nicely too. 
When I have gone for spray tans I find the tan always comes off in patches or can appear quite scaley after a couple of days. 
With Cocoa Brown this is not the case.

Its safe to say I'll be using this tan from now on its an absolute dream to work with, I am super impressed!
Cocoa Brown is now available in 450 pharmacies nationwide so you will have no problems getting your hands on some.


  • Affordable
  • Easy to use 
  • No fake tan smell
  • Applies flawlessly to the skin with use of a mitt
  • Lasts up to 5 days
  • Fades off naturally
  • Dries quickly into the skin

None! I cannot praise this tan enough :)

For more information pop over to the Cocoa Brown Facebook page.

Thanks for tuning in everyone!
Talk to you soon.
Eimear x


  1. Lovely review Hun! It looks great on you :) x

    1. Its such a beautiful tan the pictures don't do it justice at all! Thanks a million :) x

  2. Ah, so excited to try mine now! :)

    1. Yeah I'd say you will definitely like it! Not orangey or fake looking :) x

  3. I tried this after reading your review! Its a great product goes on so well! I am very pale myself and like to look natural rather than caribbean lookin. I even had someone ask me a week later if I have tan on that's how well it lasts!

    1. I'm so glad you liked it! I know its absolutely fantastic, I love how it fades off quite naturally opposed to in patches :) x

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Excellently amazing and exciting too. Can you please mention me the source of your reference... I am happy that at least somebody gave this subject an attention.
    Airbrush Tan NYC
