Wednesday, 20 January 2016

theBalm Mary-Lou Manizer Swatches and Review

Hi Everyone!
Hope you all are well :)

My first product from theBalm was the Mary-Lou Manizer and I have built up quite the collection since that purchase. I can't remember if it was in 2013 or 2014 that Mary-Lou took the YouTube and Blogging worlds by storm, all I do know is that I couldn't read a blog post or click into a beauty video without someone mentioning the product in some shape or form. From previous posts on products that have been hyped into oblivion you will know that I don't purchase these particular products straight away. I finally did decide to purchase Mary-Lou though, probably around a year after the product first came to light (heh heh heh). I was hoping that despite all of the buzz around the product that I wouldn't be disappointed, I had very very high expectations!

Aside from hype, what initially lured me into theBalm's products was their funky packaging. The retro theme reminded me of Benefits style of packaging or even Soap and Glory's now that I think of it. It's cute, fun, and very well designed.

You get a huge amount of product in the pan, 8.5grams to be exact and you only need the smallest amount of product on your brush to get the job done. For both of those reasons I thought I would never have to repurchase this highlighter, I just couldn't imagine finishing it! The packaging itself feels like good quality. It's nice and sturdy and the lid makes a click noise when closing so you will know when the lid is closed down properly. There is also a big mirror in the compact making it convenient for travelling purposes.

The highlighter is finally milled and the texture is buttery smooth, I love how easily the product blends out. It doesn't matter if I use my fingers or a brush to apply the product I always get a flawless sheen to my skin. If you want a hardcore highlight well then this is the product for you. It is a soft champagne shade that when applied gives a gorgeous golden sheen to the skin. I'd definitely say this particular highlighter is suitable for all skin tones. However, if you aren't keen on the hue this highlighter gives, there are two other shades in the range to choose from.

Does it live up to the hype? I'll admit yes it does, 1000%. This to me is definitely a holy grail product. If you haven't tried Mary-Lou and you are looking for a highly pigmented highlighter that give a gorgeous sheen without being chunky and overly glittery well then Mary-Lou is the gal for you!

I like to dust the highlighter mainly along the tops of my cheekbones, on the tip of my nose, underneath the arch of my brow and sometimes to cupids bow. Mary-Lou is the kind of highlighter that is so strong in pigment yet you will only see it gleam on the skin when the light hits it. You can see from the photos below just how glorious it is, I'm obsessed!

The only problem I had with this product was that it shattered in the pan. I didn't drop the highlighter or let it bang off a surface. After about a month of using Mary-Lou it just cracked in the pan. I haven't heard anyone else talking about this problem so I'm not sure if I was just a bit unlucky but it was annoying. I probably would have had my Mary-Lou for life if that hadn't of happened because there is just so much product in the pan haha! When mine shattered I ended up losing a lot of the product every time I opened and closed the lid, it was all just a bit too messy so I repurchased.

Aside from that blip though I'm still thrilled with my purchase and can't sing the products praises enough. It will set you back €20.50 and is available online from here, or the Make Up For Ever store on Clarendon St in Dublin are now stocking theBalm so worth checking out if you are in town!

Until next time :)
Eimear x

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